2002-10-02 & 9:05 a.m. : -

apparently, you aren't supposed to eat mystery meat covered in afterbirth.


i have gotten some grody bug from the wet warm air that constantly flows into the apartment


i don't know what

because since about 5am or so i have been waking up periodically to vomit.

now that i have nothing at all in my stomach, i have been waking up to dry heave

and my head feels as if it will explode.

finally, at the last moment i could have possibly left the apt and been on time, i found myself holding myself over the porcelain pond, snot and phlegm hanging from my nose and mouth, sp i called work to find out if they are strapped for people today and left my number in case they need me.

otherwise, i think i am going to grab one of the buckets that i bought to be a trash can, set it next to the bed, soak some paper towels and lay them across my eyes (since i don't have a washcloth but instead use a loofah and that's stupid to put across your eyes) and wait to puke out my stomach itself, or to die, or

i don't know.

but i will tell you this:


never again, my friend. never again.