2001-09-25 & 1:41 p.m. : 10 minute cube

today is chickens running with their heads cut off busy

i am doing every office bitch job imaginable, all at the same time, TWICE. that's right, fucking twice.

but i am taking a moment for myself, a nice cool 10 minute break, because, you know, fuck them.

it's not like i am taking my hour lunch (which i never do) or either of my two 15 minute breaks (i never do). so, they can give me ten.

i am going to get a bat to contend with the next raccoon that comes in my house. i swear to god, fuck wild kingdom, yo.

beyond that, i'd like to say that i need a neck and shoulder massage, a round of sushi and beer, and a one way ticket to the middle.

this life? i'm pretty over it.

bring on the dancing horses.