2002-10-28 & 5:33 p.m. : 26 minutes

and Hot Exec just left the building.

good bye Hot Exec. i will freely sexually harass your memory now, without worry about The Law.

i hope i get to bang you really hard in my dreams tonight.

my knuckles are getting dry. what the hell is happening here. i never have that happen, my skin is always ROCK AND ROLL FABULOUS.

i almost fell in the shower this morning, the steam made me dizzy.

my hair is nappy/goodsmelling/clean/awesome right now.

there are geese that live around this building and right before the sun went down they started doing figure eights in the sky.

i stopped talking and put my customer on hold for a moment so i could watch uninterrupted.

i had never seen that before.

one day, i will write a good entry again, i promise.