2001-07-01 & 4:01 a.m. : not a fan

this was my first interaction with someone whom i did not know that read my diary:

Subj: ...

Date: 7/1/01 3:52:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

i was just up in the middle of the night...came across your screen name, that

let me to your diaryland journal, and i read a couple of your enteries...and

i was excited that you went to the radiohead concert...so many people i've

never met went, and it was great. that's all...good night.

and then later:

Tales of brave [3:52 AM]: you could have just immed me, you know

In the faded air [3:53 AM]: yeah i know...but i got into your journal

Tales of brave [3:53 AM]: thanks for taking the time to read it!

In the faded air [3:53 AM]: yeah no problem...your diary has been the only diary that has caught my attention

In the faded air [3:53 AM]: oh and tell me you didn't get seats

Tales of brave [3:54 AM]: i did, but, i am so short i couldn't see anything but the very top of the stage

Tales of brave [3:54 AM]: meaning, the lights

Tales of brave [3:54 AM]: i saw the band for exactly 34 seconds

Tales of brave [3:54 AM]: 34 being the number of times the shoulders parted for a second and i could see the stage at the bottom.

In the faded air [3:54 AM]: bloody

Tales of brave [3:55 AM]: it was brutal.

Tales of brave [3:55 AM]: but, the first time i saw them i was in the front row. you have to expect disappointment after that

In the faded air [3:55 AM]: oh it wasn't all ice cream and cake on the lawn

Tales of brave [3:55 AM]: BUT YOU HAD SCREENS!!

In the faded air [3:55 AM]: that's true

Tales of brave [3:55 AM]: yeah, so quit your bitching

Tales of brave [3:56 AM]: what's your name?

In the faded air [3:56 AM]: they had good cinematography...

In the faded air [3:56 AM]: shannon

Tales of brave [3:56 AM]: i don't want to hear about it, shannon

In the faded air [3:56 AM]: oh that's great

Tales of brave [3:56 AM]: no, i don't think i want to hear about the great cinematography at all.

In the faded air [3:56 AM]: i'm sure you don't

In the faded air [3:57 AM]: but i got to see thom jumping around being all cute

In the faded air [3:57 AM]: and i'm sure you don't want to hear about that at all either

Tales of brave [3:57 AM]: yes well. if you are going to try to one up me there, you cannot. unless you have met him.

as i have.

Tales of brave [3:57 AM]: so paste that in your cap!

In the faded air [3:58 AM]: damn you

In the faded air [3:58 AM]: where'd you meet him

In the faded air [3:58 AM]: what the hell did you say to him

In the faded air [3:58 AM]: how the hell did you get to meet him

Tales of brave [3:58 AM]: WELL

Tales of brave [3:58 AM]: now look who's all up in my stuff

Tales of brave [3:59 AM]: miss "i got to see him jumping around being all cute"

In the faded air [3:59 AM]: shut up

Tales of brave [3:59 AM]: hahahha

In the faded air [3:59 AM]: i don't like your attitude

Tales of brave [3:59 AM]: not many people do

Tales of brave [3:59 AM]: consider yourself part of the unwashed masses

In the faded air [4:00 AM]: wonderful

Tales of brave [4:00 AM]: to lighten up is a wonderful thing.

you have a good night shannon. it has been a pleasure to meet you.

suddenly, i do not know what to make of all this.