2004-08-26 & 5:21 p.m. : a bathtub of milk, a lake of jasmine tea

one of my favorite things is to open my windows wide, let the sun pour in on my bed and listen to the cocteau twins at volume that makes me feel like i am slipping into a deep bathtub of milk, or a lake of jasmine tea. put my feet on the wall, close my eyes and just breathe everything i can hear in.

exciting things are happening in my life right now.

i am standing on the edge of a cliff that i have been crawling and creeping up to for a very very long time.

it's at once amazing and terrifying to really feel like you are in a position to change the most important thing in your life. the thing that had been your identity for a very very long time.


it's one thing to know you can change, it's another thing to feel you can change, that you will change.

it's unbelievably empowering to take charge of your life, to do it alone, to craft your life, to sculpt it the way that you want to.

i believe i have the courage to stand on my own two feet and hold my head high and use my own small hands to become the person i want to be, the person i know that i am. i have the courage to try, to struggle, to hurt, to excel and to shine.

standing with my toes right at the edge of the cliff is one of the most exhilarating things one can feel.

right next to smiling, closing your eyes, opening your arms wide and flinging yourself off the edge of the cliff, certain against reason that you'll never hit the ground.