2001-12-07 & 12:18 p.m. : another half hour

in my survey of public bathroom use among the females of this company, i have come to a disturbing discovery:

92.3% of the able-bodied women in my company use the disabled person's stall EVEN WHEN THERE IS ABLE BODIED STALLS AVAILABLE.

now, i understand what may compel these women to do that which is only marginally better than parking in a blue painted parking space. who would not prefer the grandeur of the spacious stall? as i fight with the walls of the little stall, i understand why the girl in the short skirt and ABLE BODIED HIGH HEELS may have chosen to take the big stall rather than the little one to my left.

and it's not as if i have enver used the big stall. particularly in nasty public bathrooms where the urge to touch nothing is more overwhelming than the urge to "void". certainly the ability to move freely without the fear of touching seat, wall, handle, or ANYTHING is important when you are in a burger king bathroom on the corner of highland and...ANYWHERE, hello, it's a burger king. but in our clean company with it's clean windows and clean cubicles and clean bathrooms, one can afford to let skin touch steel.

especially since there is not one, but THREE sinks in which one can wash her hands with generous amounts of anti-bacterial soap.

which brings me to another thing, which i first chronicled in the latter half of this entry:

only like...80% of the women here wash their hands after they void. 80%. CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE IT?!!?!!?

wait...now i think i understand why women are choosing the big stall...wait, no...that makes no sense because that all happens before one would get to the sink to de-germ anyway...no, the only conclusion i have to make is that these women, these 20%, are nasty.

nasty nasty nasty.

you wouldn't believe the stack of things i am supposed to be faxing. seriously, it's unreal.

oh man, i am gonna take a nap...certainly the 6 inches o' fax cna wait another half hour.