2003-01-21 & 1:55 a.m. : bed time reading.

well, that's great.

i just talked to niki for a few hours on the phone, during which time she mostly read to me about ted bundy.

now, i am thoroughly freaked out about everyone i know but don't know personally, or only know peripherally or basically anyone who is not niki, jason or my brother and sister.*

it was good timing too because all day i was pretty much swimming in a sea of being convinced that all people are creeping crappity creeps again.

so now everyone is creeping crappity creeps who are serial killers. or potential serial killers.

hearing how distressed i was when we were getting off the phone, niki suggested i read the profile of edmund kemper, the co-ed killer from santa cruz whose killings all lead up to his killing his mother, decapitating her, then having sexual intercourse with the headless corpse. apparently, he was too much of a fucking pussy to do this all straight away, so he had to practice on a bunch of co-eds first.

after he did this, he called the police to turn himself in, and they didn't believe him.

i'm not sure i am ready to take in this tale right now before i go to bed. i think i'll just finish watching the dvd of ferris bueller's day off so i can complete the commentary, and then i'll go back to reading something calm and light, like crash.

you know it's kind of a fucked up life when your before-bed entertainment consists of either reading about some maniac who decapitates ladies and then humps the headless bodies, watching a movie about some ego-maniacal 17 yr old who uses everyone around him for his own gain and happiness and is worshipped for it, or a book about people who pop huge wheelie-sized boners for car crashes and sex with victims of car crashes.

like, i should go back to reading charlie and the chocolate factory or maybe deenie or something.

i mean, like crash, deenie involves girls in back braces, but she has the crooked spine and also there's that part about using a wash cloth on her "special place".

jesus christ, what's wrong with me.

*dear people who i know but don't know well like i niki or jason or my brother and sister who may be potential serial killers: please do not see my being afraid of you as what the FBI call a "stressor", which may trigger a psychotic episode, leading you to do horrible terrible things to people or animals, or, more specifically, me. please do not hurt people if you secretly, or not so secretly, want to hurt people. also please do not start opening up animals to "see how they work". please be gentle and kind, pet kittens (on the outside of their body like normal people do), take your medication and also, stop being potential serial killers, because killing people is not cool at all.

also, in case you don't know this because you are twitching due to voices or heavy metal music or low-flying aircraft, or whatever it may be that might set you off, please know i am kidding, i love you all, and am not really scared of you, if my being scared of you is an actual "stressor".

the internet is scary.
