2002-08-31 & 5:08 p.m. : breeding

Sexual maturity: 1.5 to 3 years

Breeding season: Year round, April to December in the wild

Gestation: 98 to 120 days

Litter Size: usually 1, occasionally 2

The Kinkajou is sexually mature at 18 to 30 months. Male Kinkajous reach sexual maturity at 1.5 to 2 years, and females in 2.5 to 3 years. The female Kinkajou is in season approximately every three months. The mating ritual comprises of the male sniffing and nipping at the female's lower jaw and throat. He then stimulates her by rubbing her sides with the insides of his wrists where he has an enlarged, protruding bone. The female also has this bone but on the male it is not covered with fur.

In their native habitat, Kinkajous usually give birth between April and December. Captive Kinkajous can give birth throughout most of the year, to usually one cub and occasionally two. Gestation lasts from 98 to 120 days, and the infant is born in a dark den with its eyes and ears closed. Generally a single offspring is produced, but twins do occasionally happen. Within two to six weeks, the eyes and ears open, and in another three to six weeks, the infant's tail becomes prehensile.

The mother Kinkajou is very protective of her infant and in times of danger, carries the infant upside down just below her chest. When clinging to a branch with all four limbs and tail, the infant is therefore completely protected. The nursing period usually lasts between 3 to 5 months. Juveniles increase their mass by 12 times in the first six months following birth.