2002-02-13 & 2:53 p.m. : buy me things

i'm pretty much into any diary that makes me use dictionary.com. it reminds me of reading when i was a little kid, i used to read with a dictionary next to me because i knew better than to ask my parents the meanings of words. they refused to tell me, saying only "look it up". that dictionary's still in my parents' house somewhere, i used to mark the words i looked up diane court-style.

today's dictionary.com word? verisimilitude.

relatedly, in the last week or so i have found a whole slew of new diaries to read, which came as a big relief since most of the people on my list either update only every few days, or are on hiatus or etc. it's always fun to get some new names on that favorites list, mix things up a little, you know? the only diary which has permanent status in my favorites list is invisibleink because not only is she my best friend, but she regularly makes me laugh until i cry, or pee, or cryandpee. i think this is not only because she's wicked smaht and funny an' shit, but because i can hear her in her diary in a way that you bitches can't, as you haven't talked to her, or haven't hung out with her, or driven down santa monica and sunset blvds catcalling all the ho's with her or drunkenly farted on her stomach while spooning because she wouldn't stop snoring. [in addition to anger management through urination, you may consider anger management through controlled flatulence. it doesn't leave one feeling clean like the former, but it is effective.] all these things make her, and consequently, her diary, very very special to me.

in other news, it's raining outside, and that means i am having a physiological need to go home and lay in bed so i can listen. while in bed.

also, the sound of my co-workers' voices (both collectively and individually) is making me want to shove plastic forks through eyeballs.

not necessarily my own.

this might be due to the fact that i have had to engage in a very exhausting game of "i need to look like i am busy" all day long, and the fact that i don't actually have anything to do because i have the whole town on lock down was making it more difficult than usual.

in cases where i have the whole town on lock down, i prefer to stay in bed.

also, no matter how much i have to do/don't have to do, the sound of New Boss sighing (or as we say in yiddish "hallishing", which i most likely misspelled but don't care because most likely you're gentile and wouldn't know the difference anyhow, but more than that, like "chanukah" most hebrew/yiddish words have so many different spellings it really makes the whole 'spelling question' moot) is really much like sliding little slivers of glass into my eyelids and underneath my fingernails. i wish i could impart to you the difference between a sigh and a hallish. it's much like the difference between "whiny" and "whiny little bitch that needs to have their lips smacked off by a ninja".

i just had the best turkey sandwich i have ever had.

pepperoncini peppers rock sandwiches into outerspace.

NB: you might notice i've added my wishlist to the set of links that show up on each of these god damn pages. you might also notice that my birthday is fast approaching.

buy me things.