2002-02-22 & 12:43 p.m. : cracky

so, since the Co-Worker has been taking this stuff called Hydroxy-Cut, which is supposed to "raise my energy and lower my appetite" and get him totally yoked in about 3 days, even though he's already like 200 of pure jarheadian muscle, he has turned into a total freak on wheels.

i think it's the SPEED that they put in the stuff.

this is all in preparation for a cruise he is taking in may. he wants, and this is a direct quote, "to be able to strut out with no shirt on and be like, 'what up ladies, i'm your all-you-can-eat buffet'"

i know! he's like a ferret with a wig on, right? totally freaky!!

AND now, in addition to having to hear him talk about how he "blew it out" at the gym, i also get to hear about how this stuff is giving him "SO MUCH ENERGY!" (which he says as he runs into my cubicle, does a spinkick, and then runs out)


his attitude, though, has turned to shit today when speed burnout has apparently started to catch up with him.


in other news, 2nd Boss called from hawaii and told me i could leave an hour early today. again! radical bikers!

in still other news, i am in negotiations right now to have some of my work put up on this site, which i think is pretty dope. since i got all those new books recently, i have been itching to get to work on a new book, or at least finish the two canvases that have been sitting in the back of my car for the last month or so. so! new work to be seen soon!

i have a new bumpersticker, it says "Driving For Dignity--Taxi Drivers Union Local 428". that's totally awesome, i think. of course i would never put it on my car, but it's still cool.

how weird would it be if i did actually put it on my car?

all i know is it sure beats taz decals. i actually saw a car with the license plate "1TAZMAN" a couple of days ago. i'm not kidding.

i know! i couldn't believe it either.

the guy driving the taz car was wearing a baseball cap that had tiger stripes on it.

people are completely amazing, aren't they?

last night my sister tried to call me out for listening to Wham!, but i was able to counter-call out that she listens to sheryl crow. obviously, i won under the weight of that call out. i mean, come on:

a guy who wears aviator glasses and has a little leatherman moustache that has sex in public park bathrooms with strange men and who sang, "you put the boom boom into my heart"


a chick who sang "all i wanna do" and has horse teeth.

that's right, i brought it to the horse teeth.

such an easy kill.

i think oceanspray cranberry coctail (and its generic brand brothers and sisters) is my crack. seriously. i can drink an entire gallon a day. i've done it before.

i got a $94 bonus today for doing nothing.


i hate my job, but i totally love my job.

i'm buying more art supplies. and a couple of books. and a cd.

someone suggest the cd, yeah?


sometimes, when i lean back in my chair to stretch and then lay there in dead girl pose, instead of the dgp i pretend i am in a champagne glass like one of those 40s-50s starlets, you know? then for a moment i feel glamorous and special, like every girl should.

also, sometimes when i dream, i dream that i can swing on the swingset so high that eventually i go all the way around.