2002-02-14 & 11:19 a.m. : decks, papers, 40s, menthols, books, chaos theory and mjb

in a surprising turn of events, it is 907am and i am not at all in a bad mood.

i mean, on top of my general cranky and tired surliness, that is.

last night i went out with niki to a bookstore and i got 15 books for $50. that's including Volume Seven of The Patient in Surgery ($3), which is like a 4 inch thick anatomy book with picutres of things cut open and photos of surgical instruments all lined up nicely waiting to be used and WhatNot. I'm pretty sure that when this book was originally published it cost like $80 or something, it's one of those anatomy deals.

so that is truly excellent.

also, i got a thick thick workbook called "Grant's Dissector" which i am betting med students use when they cut up dead people because that's what all the pictures are. cut up portions of dead people. it's totally fucking sweet.

for $5, it is not only a steal, but the most expensive book i got last night.

i'm pretty stoked on the theoretical mathematics books i got, in adition to a pocket-sized elementary algebra book which was originally published in 1877.

math is important because math is sexy.

i almost got myself a book on chaos threory, but it had all these weird cartoons in it and i figured i should probably at least learn trigonometry before i try chaos theory.

but maybe i don't need to? maybe i can dive headlong into chaos theory? if any of you know about chaos theory, and can recommend a good beginning book, please contact me someway via the very helpful international network.

i also cleaned out their inventory of old, cheap foreign language books. i now have books in german, russian, spanish, korean, japanese and some language i have yet to identify. i'm pretty sure the spanish book is my favorite, it's a million year old pamphlet with pictures of what look like old underground churches and catacombs and WhatNot.

art media ahoy!

oh! and there's also this little tiny japanese pamphlet which says a bunch of stuff i don't understand, but it's small and the paper's got this really great quality to it, so i am pretty sure i am going to get a red fountain pen and use it to write a letter to someone.


**later, 1105am**

so! this weekend it's going to be me hanging out with my trusty x-acto knife and cutting all the above books into collage and WhatNot ready pieces.

i should have gotten the one on vienna, that book had like a gazillion matrillion pictures that were so aching to become mix-tape and mix-cd covers.


maybe i'll go back this weekend?

i really wish today were tomorrow because i have a new friend who is coming over and he is going to talk about my papers on kant, and maybe even the wittgenstein one, WHO KNOWS!? it will be good to talk about philosophy stuff again, because i do my best work verbally. i think anyway. i bet whenever i have to take my orals for my philosophy phd, which i am going to get, i will rock them shits left and right. what was i saying? oh, anyway, he is going to install photoshop and dreamweaver for me, too, so GET READY FOR SOME ARTISTIC SHIT to be coming your way soon.

obviously, i physically, as in a legit physical need like the need for food, water, nicoteine, alcohol and sushi, have to get either a digital camera or a scanner now. preferably both. fiscally, neither is feasible. however, perhaps if i put them on my wishlist, one of my 4 fans will get one for me.

most likely, though, i'll get a digital camera soon, with a scanner to follow soon.

and THEN, bitches, we are in business.

oh! also i wish it was tomorrow because then i could rejoice in the fact that my brother and frank, who is my favorite of my brother's friends, are going to be coming home and getting smizzity-ashed. i am going to spin my first ever impromptu dj set, i hope to involve lots of sly and the family stone, and stevie wonder. and i think my brother has off the wall. and i'm positive he has parliament. but regardless, i just decided right now that my life as a dj begins tomorrow night. because i am so down to make the kids (even if it's just jon and frank) dance, so i can get ready for living in the midwest.

because no one but ravers ever dance at parties in california, at least that i've seen.

but from what i can gather of the midwest, EVERYONE dances.

that is so fucking sweet.

i don't even remember how my dj'ing tomorrow night has anything to do with that, but i think it's related to 40s and smoking my brother's nasty menthols and such.

he'll be so stoked that i want to play with his decks.

he's been trying to get me on them for years.

finally, i realized this morning after writing my last entry that if i got married to mary j blige, which would be my ultimate dream come true (assuming neither d'angelo nor q-tip are marriable because they are so hot they are literally from outerspace. same for benicio del toro.), i wouldn't have to change my last initial.