2001-08-31 & 11:12 a.m. : no, i don't have anything better to do right now, thank you very much.

today, this is how i feel about everyone. the entire whole wide world.


Word of the Day for Friday August 31, 2001:

coterminous koh-TUR-muh-nuhs, adjective:

1. Having the same or coincident boundaries.

2. Having the same scope, range of meaning, duration.

In a democracy the interests of the people are, or at least should be, coterminous with those of the state.

--Ronald Steel, "The Domestic Core of Foreign Policy," The Atlantic, June 1995

That kind of sociological prejudice rests on a false supposition, . . . that "social" and "governmental" are coterminous, and that anyone who is against governmental action is therefore essentially "atomistic."

--Brian Doherty, "Cybersilly," Reason, August/September 2000

The collapse of the swing phenomenon was coterminous with the emergence of bebop.

--David Nasaw, "Big-Band Theory," New York Times, November 26, 2000


Coterminous is from Latin conterminus, from com-, "together; with" + terminus, "boundary."

viva la dictionary.com!

(no, i really don't have anything better to do right now other than update my diary every four seconds. are you gonna say something, or do you want to keep my foot from kicking you in the ass?)