2002-08-16 & 12:25 p.m. : reunited, and it feels so good.

when i came into work this morning there was music playing and people dancing and promises of an ice cream sundae party later.

when my supervisor saw me she said "good morning lovely sunshine!"

lovely sunshine. i almost burst out laughing, if i hadn't been blushing so deep.

it's a sad truth that i am a sucker for pet names. seriously.

there is a lady here who scowls at me no matter how many sunshine filled smiles i send her way.

i do not understand.

otherwise, my job's pretty good. for whatever reason, i am totally made to do this kind of work. unfortunately, it doesn't pay as well as i woiuld want, to i am going to go back to school and get some skills to help me pay the bills.

but other than living tight moneywise, i'm real happy with it. it's the first time ever i look forward to going to work when i wake up in the morning.

this weekend i am going to finally, maybe, work on getting things unpacked. i am sick of listening to the same really great mix cd over and over again. i have to send it to p soon or else i am going to get so sick of it that i'll fling it out my window. if the wind is right, maybe i'll get it across the interstate and into the side of the quaker oats factory.

also, i am getting my hair done, so you know i am wicked pumped.

and also, i am buying another bottle of gin. and some beer.

and some movies.

and maybe a new pair of shoes.

this morning when i was saying my opening lines for one of my calls, instead of saying "for security purposes can you please verify your billing address" i almost said "for sexual purposes can you please verify your billing address".

i think someone's gotten me all wound up.