2002-10-04 & 4:50 p.m. : ditch digger

it's been "tornado weather" all day.

and though i would like some company, (maybe?), i think i might skip out on the big night tonight with the people from work. i have to get supplies for a birthday present for my brother, and i am tired and gross feeling all of a sudden.

and by all of a sudden i mean since 11am.

i really don't feel like hanging out in a bar eating greasy burgers, not talking and watching my co-workers drink while i worry about drinking too much in front of my co-workers.

on $14.

since it looks like i need to save every penny i have for a grand exit west, i could think of better things to spend the $14 on.

like supplies for my brother's birthday.

maybe i'll look for a photo book and try to put together another book. maybe this time i'll keep it. i always give them away.

and then am given away.

the corn is all brown now, and i wonder if it'll never be harvested, if they let it just die and then stay there until the snow destroys it somehow.

i don't know what happens on farms, or how plants are harvested or anything like that.

upon reflection, i wonder what i thought i would get from being here. i have a really good imagination, apparently.

my nose is running.
