2004-06-10 & 12:50 a.m. : doods, HOW WELL.

directions: Write 5 statements about yourself. They can be either true or false. Post it in your journal and let your friends guess which of them are true and which of them are false!

1. i almost died in the pit at a violent femmes show. (most brutal pit i have ever seen, i shit you not.)

2. i once won an award for writing the best essay in my high school on racial harmony. my father kept all the prize money because i owed him back "taxes" on fucking up on my chores.

3. i was once "the other woman" with a boy who later became a white supremicist.

4. at one point in my life, i had so many pairs of shoes that i needed a separate closet for them (which i didn't have).

5. i have often wished i had a penis. for scientific reasons.


