2001-10-14 & 7:46 p.m. : it's hard being a woman who dreams

Tales of brave [7:40 PM]: for just a moment
Tales of brave [7:40 PM]: let me tell you how good jeff buckley was at the making it happen last night in my dream
Tales of brave [7:40 PM]: he Makes It Happen like a champ
rachalaric [7:41 PM]: you sounded sated in your entry
rachalaric [7:41 PM]: you are still basking in afterglow
Tales of brave [7:41 PM]: yeah, pretty much
rachalaric [7:41 PM]: i love those rare dreams that show you how real life really should be
Tales of brave [7:42 PM]: yeah, 'cept he's dead and WhatNot
rachalaric [7:42 PM]: he is?
Tales of brave [7:42 PM]: yes
rachalaric [7:42 PM]: when? how? why?
Tales of brave [7:42 PM]: when...hmmm....97? he drowned in the mississippi
Tales of brave [7:43 PM]: isn't it true taht ghosts can hump you for real in your dreams?
Tales of brave [7:43 PM]: because if it is, i got ghost f'd last night, for sure
rachalaric [7:43 PM]: did he use a condom?
Tales of brave [7:43 PM]: no :X
rachalaric [7:43 PM]: i've never been ghost fucked
rachalaric [7:43 PM]: uh-oh
rachalaric [7:44 PM]: you're gonna have a ghost baby
Tales of brave [7:44 PM]: i know, dream-ghost babies!
Tales of brave [7:44 PM]: i might
rachalaric [7:44 PM]: and i bet he won't stick around to help raise it!
Tales of brave [7:44 PM]: no, probably not
rachalaric [7:44 PM]: damn ghost men!
Tales of brave [7:45 PM]: well, he's an artist, you know? not real dependable
rachalaric [7:45 PM]: it's hard being a woman
rachalaric [7:45 PM]: who dreams
rachalaric [7:45 PM]: you dared to dream jess
Tales of brave [7:45 PM]: amen sister. amen