2001-11-12 & 10:17 a.m. : if i could look blue, i'd do

it's so quiet in here...i think the Co-Worker and i are the only people who were charged with coming into work today.

the drive in was long and wet, the rain is pounding down on the bay area. there were rivers running across the lanes. everyone was nervous, driving like jack-rabbits. i just spent 10 minutes listening to the Co-Worker type and babble to himself while i looked out across the dark and clouded oakland skyline. i watched people run through the downpour, using newspapers as their shields. he tried to talk to me, but i couldn't look at him, it was too beautiful out.

he is being nice today. i think whether or not we get along is nearly entirely up to me. this is comforting.

this new book i am reading is making me even more aware of the way i communicate. words can have so much import, touch people in ways that sometimes even fingertips can't. i wonder how much what i write and what i say reveals about me, how much may or may not be being imparted to those i am in contact with. i feel like maybe i guard too much, that i am afraid of letting someone in. the only people that know me terribly well are those i have had in my life for an awfully long time. my brother, lauren, niki, jason, to some extent my sister, my mother.

everyone else, i think, only gets a small part of me. this bit, the giving up bit, has gotten so much bigger since i started writing here. but still, in the last few days i have been told by more than one person: "you are a hard person to get to know," "you are a mystery". it makes me wonder, am i really? do i really guard too much?

i wonder what it is that i could/should be giving up. because, in general, i don't like puzzles, i don't like mysteries. and i wonder if i asked those who knew me well, the ones that see how i operate with others, if they would say it's true. because a lot of the time i feel awfully exposed and laid out bare.

i know to achieve the prize you have to put your neck on the line; nothing and no one that i ever valued came to me easily. and sometimes it feels as if i am not choosing my desires, that they are choosing me. i am still working this all out, i am still getting the dirt of it under my nails.

i have another mystery bruise, this time on my left wrist. i think i am doing violent things in my sleep; i wake up in strange positions, with interesting aches. i wish i was more aware of what was marking me. i'd like the story to tell.

i put lipstick on today.