2004-09-16 & 16:13 : go

secretbruises (3:50:03 PM): i went to the thai restaurant yesterday

cakecrumbmascara (3:50:08 PM): ohhhhh

secretbruises (3:50:12 PM): to scope out the deal with the monky

cakecrumbmascara (3:50:16 PM): was hot monkey there

secretbruises (3:50:19 PM): and like, he came right over to my table

cakecrumbmascara (3:50:19 PM): aha

secretbruises (3:50:30 PM): and we did the how are you and hi's

cakecrumbmascara (3:50:42 PM): cute

secretbruises (3:50:46 PM): and then he went into how busy he was, working two jobs, starting school next week

secretbruises (3:50:48 PM): so i was thinking

cakecrumbmascara (3:51:08 PM): ask him to do something!

secretbruises (3:51:11 PM): ok, this is the "i don't want to hurt your feelings, i'll tell you i'm not interested by telling you that i'm wicked busy" brush off

secretbruises (3:51:28 PM): and i was a little sad

secretbruises (3:51:29 PM): but then

secretbruises (3:51:30 PM): like

secretbruises (3:51:37 PM): he KEPT coming over to my table

secretbruises (3:51:40 PM): and THEN

secretbruises (3:51:49 PM): he brought me pictures of when he was in thailand

cakecrumbmascara (3:51:50 PM): awwww

secretbruises (3:51:58 PM): and when he was a monk

cakecrumbmascara (3:52:11 PM): oh that is pretty fantastical

secretbruises (3:52:14 PM): and i got to find out that, no, he's NOT a monk anymore. that was just there. so go

secretbruises (3:52:18 PM): and THEN

secretbruises (3:52:34 PM): i asked him, if, you know, he ever had a moment to breathe, if he wanted to hang out

secretbruises (3:52:40 PM): and he was like, yeah!

secretbruises (3:52:43 PM): and i was like, go

cakecrumbmascara (3:52:49 PM): YAY

secretbruises (3:52:53 PM): so, i made sure he still had my number, which he does

secretbruises (3:53:09 PM): and basically, he hung out with me whenever he could during my lunch (he was running around working too)

cakecrumbmascara (3:53:09 PM): oh bean, that makes me so all warm and drunk on wine fuzzy

cakecrumbmascara (3:53:22 PM): he sounds like a good bean

secretbruises (3:53:31 PM): and his pops, who i guess owns the restaurant

secretbruises (3:53:40 PM): came over before i left and told me to come back anytime

secretbruises (3:53:51 PM): and called me "lady", which i found adorable

cakecrumbmascara (3:53:53 PM): ohhhh sweetness

secretbruises (3:54:07 PM): so, i don't know if he's going to call, or when

secretbruises (3:54:36 PM): but i feel good about the whole thing, i don't feel like "well now it's going to be awkward if i get dinner from there" or whatevers (which i was prepared to deal with, but thankfully won't have to)

secretbruises (3:54:48 PM): and now two things are clear

cakecrumbmascara (3:54:57 PM): yep, just wait and see is my motto lately

secretbruises (3:54:57 PM): ok, wait

secretbruises (3:55:00 PM): 3 things

cakecrumbmascara (3:55:09 PM): and so far it's pretty good

secretbruises (3:55:11 PM): #1--he likes me.

cakecrumbmascara (3:55:25 PM): duh, we all love you

secretbruises (3:55:29 PM): #2--he has no idea he's really hot (that's so boner-inducing)

secretbruises (3:55:43 PM): #3--if anything DOES happen, it will happen really really slowly.

cakecrumbmascara (3:55:45 PM): he probably has no clue

secretbruises (3:55:50 PM): all of which i'm wicked ok with.

cakecrumbmascara (3:55:52 PM): slow is a good speed

cakecrumbmascara (3:55:55 PM): yep

secretbruises (3:56:00 PM): IN HIS PICTURES, I GOT TO SEE HIM TOPLESS

secretbruises (3:56:05 PM): i popped like 80 boners.

secretbruises (3:56:08 PM): <3monky<3

cakecrumbmascara (3:56:31 PM): naked chested monky whoa

secretbruises (3:56:40 PM): i know, right? it was hot.

secretbruises (3:56:53 PM): i also got to see his bare feet, and again i popped like 80 boners.

secretbruises (3:57:35 PM): pretty much, i give the whole situation a "go."

secretbruises (3:58:22 PM): and now i don't have to write about this in my journ, i can just copy and paste this conversation. again, "go."

secretbruises (4:01:18 PM): ps: i also give my lunch a "go," because i made that awesome salad again, but this time used baby greens instead of spinach (note: spinach is far better), green plums instead of pluots, bartlet pear instead of that red pear and raisins (wicked go). for my protein i have brie and smoked salmon. for my bread, crusty french. and when i am done, i will polish it off with a glass of viognier. [i know that's unrelated, but still, very go]