2003-07-25 & 11:23 p.m. : good day

wow! it's someone's upstairs birthday and i can hear about 50 people singing happy birthday to them!

i don't think i even know 50 people!

what a nice thing!

today has been great and for no good reason at all.

i don't know, i am in an awesome mood, everyone i have come into contact with is in an awesome mood, it seems like the whole damned city has a shield of awesomeosity over it.

i think that is so nice!

tomorrow my brother comes. i am about to die.

i have run out of broccoli and i don't want to cook chard so i am having an iowa meal tonight:

rice pilaf, steak and blue moon beer.

not bad, not bad at all.

but tomorrow night i am going to the store for vegetables with my brother!

my brother!