2004-03-09 & 1:57 p.m. : i am so fucking late. god.

well, i got accepted to lj community "33_overs". (i forgot to post my initial lj post about this here. you can see my list to get in with the accompanying comments here.)

i don't even know what that means.

my nipples are hard, though, so that's a good sign.

i don't want to go to work, i want to stay in bed. i got a package today and i don't even want to open it.

it's not heavy enough to be my camera, so that means it's lenses, and what the fuck good are lenses SANS CAMERA.

god i want to listen to "the dog and the chameleon" so fucking badly.

niki, do you still have the tape i put it on for you? DO YOU? if you do, protect that ish with your LIFE because i know we must know someone who can transfer them ish from cassette to digital and then, AND THEN, we could listen to it all zee fuckng timez.

i have the distinct urge to run around my little apt just so stuart will chase me because i'm wearing the pjamma pants with the torn bottom and he thinks it's his toy, that piece of fabric.

like me with my woo-woo (read: same thing as woobie) when i was just a leetle gerl.

at least it's not hot and sunny again today like yesterday.

mother fuck a bright, bright, sun-shiney day.