2001-10-17 & 12:51 p.m. : i can't be sure

i drove to work this morning in silence again. without the distraction of music to help my mind wander while i drive, i am acutely aware of how dangerous driving is. i find myself getting motion sick, and the noises of my car with the other cars makes it frightening to do things like change lanes, or go through the caldecott. in the music of the gears and wheels skating across the concrete, every sound is unnatural, foreboding; i've never heard what a car sounds like under normal conditions, so i don't know if mine sounds alright or not. it's unnerving and though i have a lot to study tonight for that stupid exam tomorrow, i am still going to try to get a new car stereo tonight after work. i figure i spend so much time in my car that it's not frivolous to do so. particularly if i can score a store credit card. yeah.

if i am going to be honest with myself, i am going to have to admit that most likely, other than a one time run through tonight, the only studying i'll really do for the damn thing is tomorrow on bart on the way to the test site.

you know why? because i live on the edge.

and, if the Co-Worker can pass it, i'm not terribly worried about it.

you know what's sweet? the big boss, the one who rules over the entire state took everyone to lunch. but me. wee!

i think i am going to go across the street and get a sandwich and a cranberry juice and such.

i am listening to a promotional cd that my company has for its clients. a cd. what the fuck is that about?

it's a classical cd, and though it's not great, it's good enough. i mean, it has all the usual suspects on there: mozart, vivaldi, chopin, rossini, wagner and, my favorite, beethoven. totally perfect white noise to have while doing junk for work.

my right ear hurts because i tried to use one of those earbud thingies that are like headphones but they go directly in your ear. i don't know if the rest of the world has mutantly big ears, but that thing was way too big for mine and i fucked my ear up trying to get it to stay. o-u-c-h.

alright, i think i am going to try for lunch.

maybe more later, maybe not. i can't be sure.