2003-01-11 & 5:52 p.m. : if i spoke japanese

well howdy-do.

this is my 1000th entry.

doesn't that seem a little excessive to you?

perhaps i should erase the bulk of my earlier entries. i mean, i have read great portions of my old entries and i am the same whiny bitch in those as i am in these, so perhaps i should just get rd of them.

the "i" button on jason's laptop is finnicky, so pardon me if there are a few missing in my entries until i get my own set up back.

assuming the movers give me my stuff back.


anyhoo, things are pretty great. jace and i have already started looking for houses to rent and can't wait to find one and get all set up seattle style.

jace just called and he will be home soon, so i have to go get ready to go shopping.
