2001-12-04 & 2:06 a.m. : tables

i hate tables.

thanks to you for the beautiful title picture.

i know i am in big trouble for tomorrow, but i couldn't just do the main page without dealing with the archive page and the guestbook too. i haven't done enough with the guestbook, but i'll look more tomorrow for better pics, and maybe i'll dare to deal with tables again.

my neck hurts, but the nap i took earlier will do me well for tomorrow.

i was completely lost to the world for 2.5 hours. my dreams were very sexual, i dreamt of having sex with my ex and for a change she was really good. and fun. and not a bad kisser. and had bigger tits. same ass and hips, though. mmmmmmm.

ah, how we can change things in dreams.

if i had a choice right now, i would give grant lee phillips a big wet lickery kiss for having that voice and for playing how he does.

i just love him.