2003-03-16 & 8:39 p.m. : in a word, you were "sexy"


i know i have said it so many times, but i fucking hate banners. they all suck. all of them.

i wish it were all "gold" banners as far as the eye could see. at least there is a point to that. and like, andrew could even throw in some of those swappingtons banners, because as i have also said previously, i like the sailor swappington.

but i am sick of looking at people's shitty banners. and i hate the ones most who are like "LOVE ME LOVE ME LOVE ME" or, if they are stupidly political. because gross.

anyway, hi. how was your weekend? mine was pretty good, thanks for asking.

tomorrow i start a new job that pays better than the last and from whom i will receive benefits starting the first day. sorry previous, very short lived job, i need money and i need medical insurance at no great cost to me.

thanks for the opportunity and shit.

tonight i had pizza that should have been so awesome that its sheer awesomeosity would have forced me to describe it to you not as "awesome" but as "awzum", but it was decidedly not awesome at all.

the only awzum thing about the whole meal was the coca-cola, which i am rotting my teeth with right now.

i am so glad that my new job has dental benefits too.

jason came back from hawaii with a mega tan and tons of great pictures but no gifts for me. sad me!

in other news, i talked to niki and my brother a lot this weekend and apparently my brother's had this big breakthrough with his painting and it's like, he's on another planet now. apparently, it's like planet awzum paint because he doesn't even sound like himself anymore sort of.

also other news: niki and i are going to get a house in oregon in a year or so, i think. this is where we say "goodbye unawzum world!" and just hang out in pairs of bathtubs filled with warm milk and honey on porches while holding hands and niki reading to me.

because i can't read outloud very well, but niki can do it superwell, and for a long time, and i think it's one of my very favorite things to have her read to me. she used to read to me when i would go to her place in alameda afterworking at that place with the Co-Worker, and i would drift in and out of sleep to her sweet voice.

also we will make paper, bind our own books, bake bread daily, have a garden, paint each other sitting in funny poses, and write letters to each other, that we will drop in the mail.

we will share a truck and knit afghans.

i will wear a long sweater with pockets. niki will wear a longer sweater with pockets, and a belt that ties at the waist.

we will survive on spanish rice and sour cream burritos and juice. and tea.

but you can't make me drink milk! i will only bathe in it!

we may start knocking over liquor stores thelma and louise style, but i stipulated i would only do this if i got to bang brad pitt (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) in a dirty motel room.

oh, i also stipulated that we couldn't drive off a cliff at any time, instead we will drive to canada to hide out.

and that'll be that!