2002-07-27 & 12:40 a.m. : how to play your internal organs over night

i'm pretty confused right now.

i told niki that i don't want to buy a couch, that it smacks of too much commitment to me.

because the thing is, if i buy a couch, then the next time i move, i have to deal with that god damned couch.

i don't have a table to eat at, or even dishes, really. i don't own any silverware. i have 6 cups. a bunch of mugs, and some bowls.

so, currently, if you were to come over to the apt that i haven't moved into yet, we could sit on my carpet, drink pop (look, i said it iowa-style) and eat pizza out of bowls. i could cook you soup in a pan, but i couldn't make you ramen because i don't have a pot.

we could always order out, though.


niki said i didn't have to get a couch, i could get a bunch of big cushions instead and throw them about the living room, like an opium den.

i could get a bunch of nice tapestries for the opium eaters, and cover my windows with dark red velvety curtains.

it's an idea that i am playing with.

because though the idea of a couch and other permanent furniture scares me to death, you really can never have too many pillows.
