2003-02-26 & 12:47 a.m. : i put down the book for a few weeks but blah blah, i deleted and re-entered this entry because i needed to add to it, ok?

well well

when it rains it pours, isn't that what people say?

so i get this job on friday and finally take a big whitney houston sized exhale and like, this week, i have 4 interviews.


with companies that all seem to be wetting their panties to hire me.

today i had an interview that i sooooooo didn't want to go to that went so spectacularly well because like, i wasn't anxious because i got to lay this one on them (after detailing, with precision, why they absolutely must hire my ass):

"just so you know, i have been offered another position, but i came to this interview because i am very interested in the details of this job."

when what i wanted to say "...but i came to this interview because the job pays so much damned better."

but no matter because the job i have an interview for on weds morning PAYS EVEN BETTER THAN THAT!!

and then a phone interview weds afternoon, and another interview bright and early thursday morning and then party excitement sleep late on friday.

holy jesus, stuart just jumped into my lap. how did a cow get into my lap?

he's purring.

what affectionate alien body switched with my cat?

anyhow, so now that i have this other job, they all get the "i don't really need this job, but i think we both know you NEED ME" speech to all my prospective bosses, and that feels AWESOME.

more importantly, soon i will have my bills under control, i will have fixed my computer, giving me, for all intents and purposes, a NEW COMPUTER with 100Gb of total hard drive space (i know! like, who didn't just get moist reading that?!?!! [ew, moist. so dirty.]), and i will FINALLY GET MYSELF TO AN AVEDA SALON TO DEAL WITH MY FABULOUS HAIR, BRINGING ME TO NEW HEIGHTS OF FABULOSITY!

oh man, things are coming together and it rules.

i'd like to point out that under the suggestion of sweet rachel (and ever fun and interesting vika) i did some inventory and decided that this sadness/staying in bed stuff was due to not getting enough sun/being outside enough and once i made steps to rectify that things got way better, instantly.

what this means is that though it may not have appeared this way, i managed to be almost completely broke with no real job prospects in sight WITH OUT losing my mind and becoming dangerously depressed.

i am so freaking proud of myself.

in other news, according to anna alan cumming is bisexual, which means i can totally have dirty sexual fantasies about him without being that girl who lusts after gay doods.

oh my god my life just gets better and better.

and finally, i think that black eyes (as in shiners, bruises) are really sexy.

almost as sexy as skinned knees and stitched up wounds.

oh! i'm almost done with crash!


------------update, 1238am, 022503-------------

i'd like to make it known that i am fully aware of the grauitous use of caps in this entry.

also, jason pees with the bathroom door open and i think this is hilarious. when i pointed this out, he said "well, jessica, i am against the privatization of urine." i think this was even more hilarious.

i talked to the nebula king tonight and i am still in love with him in a completely non-pyscho friend way. the kind of friend way where one day, when we're old and have been through our first marriages with kids and step kids and stuff, we can get married and grow old together, spending our golden years building super-computers and talking about physics and art in comfortable shoes, while drinking sweetened iced tea on a wrap-around porch somewhere where the sky is large. i'll trim his crazy scientist's moustache and mend the holes in his cardigans, and he'll teach me breakdance moves on the flattened cardboard boxes from the parts we ordered to build the rocket ship in the garage.

lastly, i can fully see this scenario playing out with niki rather than the nebula king, except she won't have a moustache to trim, and instead of breakdancing on flattened cardboard boxes, niki and i will drink poppy tea and sit in the boxes on the porch, flying into outerspace with our minds.

or, we'll just sit in the bathbubs that we will have next to the bed we're going to have on the wraparound porch, and we'll watch the sunset together.

and i'll stick star jasmine in her hair.