2003-05-17 & 2:58 p.m. : i still remember the midwest sky

Tales of brave [2:55 PM]: last night

Tales of brave [2:56 PM]: my friend and i drank bourbon. and two bottles of wine. and made one of the best mix cds ever (that was her, really). and stayed up all night being fucked up and talking. and then at 5am, we took a cab to a pancake house.

Tales of brave [2:56 PM]: then we had the most pancake house food ever.

Tales of brave [2:56 PM]: then we took a cab home.

Tales of brave [2:56 PM]: it was really really fun

UnTigreDePapier [2:57 PM]: that sounds dreamy. but it also sounds like you've found yourself a life partner in crime.

UnTigreDePapier [2:57 PM]: get hitched.