2003-04-08 & 7:57 p.m. : i've seen the world's most beautiful

"...indeed, everything is permissible if god does not exist, and as a result man is forlorn, because neither within him nor without does he find anything to cling to. he can't start making excuses for himself.

if existence really does precede essence, there is no explaining things away by reference to a fixed and given human nature. in other words, no determinism, man is free, man is freedom. on the other hand, if god does not exist, we find no values or commands to turn to which legitimize our conduct. so, in the bright realm of values, we have no excuse behind us and no justification before us. we are alone, with no excuses.

that is the idea i shall try to convey when i say that man is condemned to be free. condemned because he did not create himself, yet, in other respects is free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does. the existentialist does not believe in the power of passion. he will never agree that a sweeping passion is a ravaging torrent which fatally leads a man to certain acts and is therefore an excuse. he thinks that man is responsible for his passion."

--Existentialism and Human Emotions, jean-paul sartre