2003-04-14 & 8:12 p.m. : kevin is driving far away, leaving it all behind

first off, and most importantly:

being a girl is rad!

ok, now that that's out of the way, i keep forgetting to tell you about the tulips of my neighborhood. the most important thing about them is that they are EVERYWHERE. they are so amazing beautiful, i think tulips are my new favorite flower.

i'm a girl! flowers and stuff rule!

also, today is important because i am one step closer to realizing something that i have had to deal with over and over again due to my inability to learn the lesson(s):

#1--people will treat you in exactly the manner you let them. they will not give anymore than that, so don't expect them to.

if you, through your words or actions, tell them that they can treat you like dirt, they will do precisely that. if you tell them that they can lie to you, they will. if you tell them that they can manipulate you, they will.

if you tell them that they can act like complete freaks toward you and you will still be their friend, well, they will act like a total freak from outerspace.

if you've any designs on being treated in a manner other than those outlined above, you need to conduct yourself in such a way that people will know that you don't accept that. sometimes, what that means is, you have to let them go, even if you like them a lot (despite their freak from outerspace-ness).

this is hard to do, but it's sure as shit not as hard as keeping a friend that is a total freak from outerspace, because chances are, they aren't really your friend anyway.

because they are a freak from outerspace. a freak from outerspace can't be anyone's friend, so it's not your fault.

unless (proceed to #2 now please)

#2--if someone tells you they are a freak from outerspace and you somehow think their freak from outerspace-ness will not somehow spill into your life, well then enjoy your freak.

you have no one to blame but yourself.

and newly realized this evening:

#3--if your roommate somehow has "i think we're alone now" and also "i just died in your arms tonight" lined up in the mp3 player when you get home, you might want to start thinking about new living arangements.

because your roommate is sick and possibly prone to acts of extreme violence or other*.

in other news, i think niki might be coming up here soon, and when she does we are going to sit on the patio of some restaurant and drink bloody maries until we're tipsy, and then we are going to go get sushi.

that will rule.

*"other" could be a whole host of things that i'd rather not list here. they are just far too unnerving.