2003-12-04 & 3:48 p.m. : lists, like mono

from franny who got it from rachel, who got it from teclo, who got it from some lady i don't know.

we're going to pass this around like mono.

[five songs that have been stuck in your head lately]

1. "the sea and the rhythm" iron & wine

2. "promenade" by u2 being covered by calla (it took me like a week to figure out why the song was so fucking familiar. i nearly had a breakdown over it)

3. "teach me tonight" dinah washington

4. "april fools" rufus wainwright

5. "hey hey, my my" neil young

[four beverages you drink frequently]

1. water

2. tea

3. vitaminwater by glaceau

4. red wine

[five tv shows you liked when you were a little kid]

1. the a-team

2. dukes of hazzard

3. three's company, AND its spin off three's a crowd (three's company too). i shit you not, that was its name, check imdb, fools.

4. sesame street

5. fantasy island

[four places you go most often in your neighborhood]

1. uwajimaya (i'm taking "neighborhood" to mean "town" and if you don't like it, you can suck it.)

2. the gas station on the corner

3. qfc

4. cantebury

that list really depressed me.

[four things to do when you're bored]

1. smoke cigarettes

2. play games on my computer

3. stare at my ceiling

4. read

[four things that never fail to cheer you up]

1. good music

2. talking to my brother

3. talking to niki

4. newly recognized in my life: the sun.

5. seeing people walk down the street and hold hands

6. the man in qfc last night who was whistling with the christmas songs

[four things you cannot live without (other than the basic necessities)]

1. daydreaming

2. reading

3. my friends

4. music (though, truth be told, i consider this a necessity)

[about ten years ago�]

1. i was working the first job i ever had. well. first not counting the hebrew school job.

2. i found out i was really good at formal logic (at least aristotelian)

3. i was hanging out a lot with my sister

4. i thought 19 was the best age ever

[about two years ago�]

1. i was living with my brother and sister at the martinez house

2. i was learning that i really really loved to paint

3. i hated my job like whoah

4. i was excited to move to iowa

[about one year ago�]

1. i was desperate with loneliness

2. i learned the wonders that are maker's mark+tom waits+nick cave+chainsmoking

3. i had just met kim, and was completely freaked out by my lack of social grace when in her presence

4. i was torn trying to decide whether i was going to move to seattle or oakland


1. i slept until 3 because my stomach was all jacked up

2. i am wigged out that i am going to be home in less than 2 mos

3. I am still learning about myself and who I want to be

(stolen from the franny)

4. wish that when i come home from doing errands with vika, somehow, magically, my room will be clean.

[seven things you love]

1. my family

2. my friends

3. music

4. words

5. daydreams

6. laughing

7. trains and maps and insects, and also quilts and especially velvet pillows.

[seven things you hate]

1. michael douglas. it's a real hate. an irrational hate. a hate that makes me angry when i merely see a picture of him.

2. the thought of people being outside in the cold when they want to be inside in the warm.

3. selfishness and double standards and hypocrisy (agreed with the franny)

4. feeling scared

5. my room

6. feeling out of control, with no idea how to regain my composure

7. guilt and regret (agreed with the franny)

[seven things on your desk at work]

1. headset

2. computer


4. coffee mug

5. otherwise, everything else is just normal office supplies. in contrast with my home life, my work life is extremely organized. and i do not put anything personal on my desk, because then they will have won.

[six facts about you]

1. i don't mind the smell of humans, and in fact, hate when people wear perfume/cologne that completely obstructs the fact that there is human skin and warmth under thei clothes.

2. i am always always late for things on my days off. i picked up this habit from my father, who was always time pressured by his job, so he refused to rush when he wasn't working.

in the same way, my jobs tend to be highly structured time-wise, and so on my days off, if at all possible, i like to be able to lolligag, and also piss my time away.

3. i am far far far more sensitive than i ever outwardly let on.

this means, if you think you know how sensitive i am because you've learned to read my outward signs, the actual damage is times a billion inside.

i feel shame over this.

4. i am always writing stories in my head, but am never able to get them out into the world

5. i have a something shaped hole in my heart. and i can't figure out what the shape is, or else i'd be better at trying to fill it.

6. i love my feet, even though they are not "classically pretty" feet.

[five traits you like in members of the opposite sex] -

1. kindness / gentleness

2. bravery / character

3. good smell (nice human pheromonal make out smell)

4. a voice like molasses

5. trustworthiness

[four things you would eat on the last day of your life]

1. garlic bread from gepetto's, with my sister (it's really her favorite food in the world, but if i had it, i know she'd be there, which is what i want.

and it's motherfucking good garlic bread.)

(gepetto's doesn't exist anymore, by the way)

2. sushi from sushi house in alameda, until my stomach burst

3. my mother's matzo ball soup

4. cranberry juice

[four cds from your collection that you will never get tired of]

1. the smiths: the smiths

2. jeff buckley: grace

3. juno: this is the way it goes and goes and goes

4. innocence mission: the birds of my neighborhood

[three music celebrities you would have sex with]

1. d'angelo

2. justin timberlake

3. martina topley bird

[four things you'd like to learn]

1. how to paint

2. how to like myself more

3. how to draw

4. how to mount insects