2003-07-18 & 1:01 a.m. : little glowing lights

there was an incident in the kitchen. i am not saying what it was, you'll never get it out of me.

but the apartment is still airing out.

the air is cough-worthy!

in other news, my job kind of really sucks, but it goes by really fast, which i guess is one good thing.

i went to the co-op on the way home to get some food and paid all my bills today and i have to get new plates for my car tomorrow, so i'll have like no skrilla when my brother is here. i called him in a panic because i wanted him to have a fun time and low skrill equals skate life and while skate life is hella fun, it's not go down to the bar fun, you know what i mean?

even still, i'm pretty excited about his arrival. i can't wait to just hang out and laugh.

and i'll know he'll buy whiskey, which i haven't had for like months it seems like.

and when i see him we're going to hug for like 10 minutes straight.

i remember when i took him to the airport when i first moved to iowa.

that feeling in the pit of my stomach didn't leave the whole time i was in iowa.

i don't know what the fuck i was thinking.

i locked the kitties in jason's room so i could open my window.

i need to fucking breathe.

sometimes i feel really fucking old.

if i don't get better at writing in here soon, i'm giving up this diary.