2004-05-28 & 10:12 a.m. : little rain drops

i'm unsure, but this could possibly be the worst cup of coffee i have ever made. the fact that, completely out of character, i decided to add something to it (vanilla soy milk) is REALLY not helping.


in other news, last night was weird. not only did i watch two movies (one which i knew would make me emo, to, you know, lubricate the emotional wheels so to speak because i am a robot and need help with these things, and the other i was just interested in seeing) and then instead of staying up all night like usual i was in bed and asleep before 130am.


and i slept the whole way through--no waking up every hr or so, no panic at waking up when it was light out, afraid that if i looked at my clock it would be exactly 2 minutes before my alarm was to go off (this happens nearly everyday).

and jesus, deep deep dreaming. airplanes and buddhist monks and swords and a black & white dog. and mountains and snow and a really bright sun. airplane going to crash and not being afraid. eating chocolate biscuits with a little boy monk who touched all the bloody swords and with a touch they were clean.

weird intense deep dreams!

but i feel good, minus the sneezing fit i have been rocking for the last 3 minutes (thank god for tissues right next to the monitor). it could be the first really good night's sleep i've had since i moved in here.

oh my god, seriously, worst cup of coffee ever.

ps: waking up and drinking your morning coffee while watching clips of dave chappelle on the internet is the best way to wake up, EVER.