2001-07-03 & 1:23 p.m. : kiss me miss liberty

the Co-Worker is singing offspring.

like, he is singing it outloud.

and, he isn't saying "god DAMN IT, i can't get this fucking song out of my head!"

oh no, he is happily singing it.

which, dear reader, brings me to an interesting fork in the road:

on the left fork, i am someone who is all for people singing randomly throughout the day. particularly because this means that they are happy. rarely do you hear people singing when they are really sad. unless they are alone and crying or something. (not that i've done that, especially not when i was 13, especially not with my walkman playing "there is a light that never goes out" over and over, especially not hugging my knees in the corner of the garage trying to figure out a way to leave home without leaving home). so, i am pleased that the Co-Worker is happy, because i am pleased when pretty much anyone is happy.

but, on the right fork, he is singing the offspring. anyone who knows me knows that i am unilaterally and unequivocally anti-offspring. worst band. seriously people. so bad.

and now he is singing about how he needs some "ice, ice, baby".

really people. do you hate the Co-Worker as much as i do?

the only redeeming thing that he has done today was that he served as a barrier between myself and the poisonous smoke that was flying off the bbq pit at our company 4th of july picnicy lunchy thing. since he "blew it out, jessica; last night at the gym i BLEW IT OUT", he had the lats to spread like one of those creepy running, hissing desert lizard things that has that big wing thing happening. i thought that was nice. but then he spent the rest of lunch tearing the chicken apart like he was going to suck the marrow right out of the bone, and the bbq people were also bbqing sausage that looked like they were bbqing poop.

i don't know where or why that all came from, but it did. [nod].

on a completely unrelated note, i have heard from a secret spy that my banner has been popping up hither and tither, yet i have not seen it once, even though i have seen the same not-mine banners over and over again. if one of you could drop me a line if you see it. my secret spy would lie just to make me feel good. and cross' g-book banner mention doesn't count because s/he's obviously weird.

yeah, right, I have a mind to be frightened of.

i feel like there is soot all over my face.