2003-01-21 & 4:13 p.m. : longpigs, watch out

all you idiots, infidels and FOOLS watch out because niki's a profiler for the FBI and look what she has to say:

"entry 923

name: niki




maybe what it did to you internally was make you a serial killer. and as soon as you do it once, you'll do it again and again and again. you'll never be able to get back to that initial "high" you got when you first killed, you blood thirsty maniac, so you'll start mutilating your victims and inserting foriegn objects into various orifices. you'll eventually become so enraged by the fact that slicing up naive young women doesn't "do it for you" anymore, that you'll eventually do something really insane just to get yourself caught. you'll spend the remainder of your days in bible study with edmund kemper, talking about your "feelings" and making prison art with construction paper and plastic scissors. when you think about it, it's really not all that bad."

you better watch your step, me.

in other news, i just had that second phone interview and it blew donkey balls. hopefully i can kill the face to face interview tomorrow.

hehe, kill.