2002-04-08 & 3:49 p.m. : a lot of lists?

so totally weak!

New Boss, who was supposed to be out of the office until weds, IS IN THE MOTHERFUCKING OFFICE.

and she smells like something weird.

and i can hear her clackety clack-north-cackalacky-acrylic nails eeeeeeeeeeeverywhere all over her poor keyboard.

in other news, the Co-Worker ate an entire bag of sunflower seeds today.

an entire bag.

that is so intense.

words/phrases i have been over-using lately, with no sign of stopping any time soon:





"i hope _______ splits herself/himself"

"that's right, i said it"

"dood. dooood. doooooooooooooooooooooooooood."

"i hope (his/her) head falls off"

"fuck. you."

i have had the urge to kick someone in the privates all day. that's right, i said it.

doods. dooooods. doooooooooooooods.

movies i am really pumped to see:

blade 2


i don't really know any other movies that are out or that are coming out. the nebula king told me about those two.

i don't know what's up with all the lists lately, but i like lists. i mean, at least theoretically. they are aesthetically pleasing.

but i rarely use them in life to get tasks done. only when i feel really really overwhelmed at work. that's it.


my brother said that my moving to iowa is a chance for me to develop all new habits, if i want.

maybe i'll put a sheet up in that basement and i'll write out the tasks for the day when i wake up, and when i finish them all, i can spray paint over them to make the sheet ready for the next day.

i have been thinking, too, that i want a sheet covering one wall to write/paint/spray paint whatever thoughts are killing me.

i used to fall asleep tracing poetry/letters on my wall with drowsy fingertips. maybe this will be a chance to write them so they are still there in the morning.