2003-07-22 & 1:10 p.m. : love when it comes inside you

dear diaryland friends:

please do not ever again use denise richards in one of your banners.

thanks, you're great,


this coffee i made this morning is really strong. it's amazing it got made at all since my eyes were practically glued shut with sleepy sand during the process.

yes, i forgot to set up the auto-brew before i went to sleep last night and this morning i had to pay.

my coffee maker with auto-brew is perhaps the most luxurious item i own. and believe me, it IS luxury to wake up at 1130 or noon and walk into the kitchen and what? how? oh look! freshly made coffee!

what's even better is that it automatically shuts off after 2 hours, so if i don't feel like getting out of bed no harm no foul, the apt won't burn down.

and this coffee i got from the co-op is so damned good. mmm!

for reasons too boring to explain here, it's been really slow late at night at work, and i actually got snared into a conversation about bulk shopping stores, and $2000 vacuum systems.

what? $2000 on a vacuum cleaner? yes, i understand it has an air filter too, but what the shit?

i know there are younger people at my work, i know there has to be someone, one person, i have even one thing in common with, but so far, no go.

it's distressing, but at the same time, i have a book to read so it's ok.

also, my mother's almost convinced me to get an ocilating fan with a remote control. can you imagine a bigger luxury?

well, you probably could, but i'm a humble girl.

a remote control fan! i could really use it, too, i have had to get out of bed the last two nights so that i could take a cold shower. my body just wouldn't cool off, even at 3 in the morning.

alright, it's time for me to get changed and go to work.

there are people who need help with their cell phone bills and i have to help them, while sounding like i really care!

lastly, i'd like to say that ritchey writes really great haiku.

ps: my apt has turned into spiderland. i have seen two this morning so far and i've been up about a half hour. they were both killed, though, so i am not going to think about it, or about the spider bites i wake up with. thanks for killing them, kitties!