2002-09-12 & 7:56 p.m. : so majickal

Boy Cries Wolf [7:51 PM]: what the fuck is going on with bush and iraq?

Tales of brave [7:51 PM]: i have no idea. you tell me.

Boy Cries Wolf [7:51 PM]: dude i keep hearing about it

Tales of brave [7:51 PM]: i don't read the news because there's no zombies in it.

Boy Cries Wolf [7:52 PM]: but i don't have the whole story

Boy Cries Wolf [7:52 PM]: ahahsdf

Boy Cries Wolf [7:52 PM]: dude i <3 zombies

Tales of brave [7:52 PM]: i'm sure you can find it online

Boy Cries Wolf [7:52 PM]: i was watching dead zone on usa at the gym this morning

Tales of brave [7:52 PM]: i have never seen a zombie movie, yet am obsessed by zombies.

Tales of brave [7:53 PM]: i want to get a zombie, but like a bodyguard

Tales of brave [7:53 PM]: so, it will be like My BodyZombie

Tales of brave [7:53 PM]: not to be confused with The BodyZombie

Tales of brave [7:53 PM]: which is only good because whitney houston and kevin costner are dead in it

Boy Cries Wolf [7:53 PM]: hahahaskldf

Tales of brave [7:54 PM]: and not actually reanimated, but pulled around by helper monkeys with remote controls

Tales of brave [7:54 PM]: <3bloody maries<3

Boy Cries Wolf [7:55 PM]: dude are you wasted?

Tales of brave [7:55 PM]: nope

Tales of brave [7:55 PM]: i just made one

Boy Cries Wolf [7:55 PM]: so majickal

Tales of brave [7:56 PM]: i know