2002-01-04 & 12:45 p.m. : mmhmm!

holy cranapple, i'm tired


strange things are afoot:

i came in early today, and 2nd boss was here. usually she doesn't roll in her until at least after 930-1000.

she left me a finger puppet on my chair. it's a lamby. a beautiful sweet lamby. hurray!

poor lamby had a candy cane shoved up its ass though, so i quickly took it out and rested lamby next to my mouse pad.

then, the Co-Worker came in, and he was all nice and stuff. and he didn't sing, "it's friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiday!" until like a half hour ago...which is good. usually, it's the first thing he says when he gets into his cubical.

and then i started looking into my tax situation, which hopefully will not be terrible this year. i was really freaked out that this year would be the first where i had to pay taxes instead of get a refund (since i have a kinda adult person's job and adult persons pay taxes rather than get refunds), but after some quick guestimation and fancy calculator manipulation, i don't think that will be the case. thank god.

and THEN (said in snailagail voice), 3rd boss gives me a pack of hotwheels gummy fruit snacks. that's right, you heard me, HOTWHEELS FRUIT SNACKS. those have to be the coooolest fruit snacks ever. not only did they have gummy hotwheel cars, but also little gummy hotwheels banners...which looked strangely like slugs. but whatever, they are gummy, they are hotwheels, i am into it.

and also, the kid who i bought my coffee from this morning at the drive-thru coffee thing was really cute in that "barely legal, oops my dark hair is falling into my almond shaped eyes, can i get you any cream or sugar with that" way. and though i had to say no to the cream and sugar because now i am a Girl Who Takes Her Coffee Black, i looked at him with eyes that said "yes...oooh yes."

as i was discussing with her the other night, what if we found that we were only attracted to young young boys? what then? what if we were doomed to have hot empty and/or playful sex with 18 and 19 year old boys exclusively? what would happen then?

well, it'd be a tragedy, that's what. and, to quote my one of my heroes curtis armstrong, champion of america, in the magnum opus revenge of the nerds, i'll be out combing the high schools all day. ah, dudley booger dawson, how we love thee.

do you realize how awesome that movie is, by the way? it should be up there on all the hipster's Cool Movie lists, in my opinion, with goonies and gremlins and WhatNot. because not only has it launched careers of many great actors including the aforementioned curtis armstrong (champion of america [i cannot say just "curtis armstrong", just as i cannot say just "ron livingston", instead i must say "great american actor, ron livingston"]), anthony edwards, timothy busfield, michelle meyrink (MICHELLE MEYRINK PEOPLE! she dated crispin glover you know) and john goodman, but it also had boobies in it.

a LOT of them. and it includes so many excellent quotes, if i spent all day i couldn't possibly list them all.

i don't know what else you could ask for from a movie, really.

--crap, i just had to take a break from writing to actually do work, but now i am on my lunch break and i don't have any food to eat and i am broke because i did my bills yesterday (see one of yesterday's entries if you're at all interested about that. nah, me neither), so now i can write more. though i feel a tone shift coming on because i am not feeling nearly as caffeinated as i did before and i doubt i can be bothered to go link-o-matically crazy for you anymore.

something i have been thinking about lately when i lay down to go to sleep is the fact that i pretty much have no direction in my life. i didn't think things out so well past "and then i will go to college and get a degree, maybe even a graduate degree". this was, i think, probably impossibly stupid. but there is precious little i can do about it now. it is, obviously, why i am in the really NEAT job i am in now. honestly, at least a few times a week i look around my cubicle and just shake my head, because, jesus, what the fuck?

so, i have been trying to figure out where to go and what to do, as you know because this topic makes up a good 15-20%, possibly more since i just made up those numbers arbitrarily, of my diary. which means this must be intensely boring for you. hmm, how sad for you.

anyway, i have been thinking a lot and i figured out that while there are a few things i want to do, i don't really know how to make them into a living. i am starting to talk to people who do make that stuff their living, but i am both intimidated by them (because their work, specifically this guy, but others too, is so freaking good) and too shy to make a good go of it so far. i guess that stuff takes time.

in the meantime, i'll look longingly towards may when i get to move to iowa (did you know that great american actor ron livingston is from cedar rapids? because he is, that's right. mmhmm [for niki: said in sammy l jackson voice. play it for me girl...that's right. god damn! i can't even think about that without laughing]) and i'll just keep making stuff because i really enjoy it, trying not to ruin too many pieces of clothing in the process.

i got some paint on my favorite pair of slippers, though, and rather than ruin them i think they look real nice.

finally, as i have noted in my diary before, june of 44 forever.