2004-03-03 & 2:30 a.m. : moving right along

now stuart just sleeps on the flattened boxes on my bed, sweet little hobo kitty.

things with me are moving right along. i may be going to canada for my birthday to spend it with my wifey, which would thrill me no end.

i have been listening to nothing but the mix i made niki, elizabeth anka vajagic, my friend's cd (1/2) for the last week or more.

i have fallen into a rut? i need something new.

also, if i could make out to someone to that navicon torture technologies song that i keep going on about, i'm pretty sure it would be the darkest make out sesh ever, also, that blood would be drawn.

i took the polish off my nails and they look surprisingly healthy and nice underneath. also, i am wanting a new manicure and maybe a facial this time. (ps--the internet ruined me from the word "facial" for the rest of my life, by the way. in a hott way, i mean.)

also, i applied for a new job at work that i probably won't get, but i am staying really positive and it's good to get my name out there for the next opening. i'm pretty sure if i got it, though, i would do such a really good job.

also, if i got it, i'd be out of debt within a year, other than my student loans, which i could get rid of within two years.

and then i could save an assload of money and maybe buy a house, which i could then furnish.

i think, for the first time in my life, i am starting to actually plan for the future--that's exciting.

also, lastly, i am going to turn 30 in like a month or so. that's surreal, but also kind of...shit, what's the word i'm looking for? i'm relieved? happy? both?

i remember a time i was surprised i made it to/through age 14.

feeling powerful in your life is a great fucking thing. i am so happy now.

also, i bought a new camera last night. shit's going to blow up now.

or, you know, at least you'll get to see awesome pics of my apt.

ps--my guestbook has stopped sending me notifications when i get a post from you. wtf? andrew? here's a bag of dicks--i think you know what to do with it, darling.