2001-07-01 & 11:54 p.m. : parenthetical

my mouth is on fire.

my mouth is on fire.


wheat beer, save me!

(my brother brought home pizza with jalepenos on it and i just had two pieces and now my mouth is on fire)

(my sister brought me back a stuffed south park doll from her trip to southern california and i have no idea why, but my heart is full from her effort)

(i took a shower tonight and my hair is really soft and smells really good now and this is probably my favorite thing there is at this very moment)

(i still haven't stopped listening to the pixies)

(i tried to find another diary ring today [you know, to up the likely hood that someone other than her will read this thing], but i couldn't find anything that remotely feels like me. so if you have one you think i'd be good for, let me know)

(today was slow and lazy and i took two naps and i slept so hard during that second one, i thought i missed work. and i hard really really dark dreams and i have been slightly unhinged ever since)

(she is (or maybe is) doing a diary design for me and i am so excited about this i am shifting in my seat like a little kid. i really hate you, diaryland template)

(i might get a call from a foreigner this week, and this makes me really happy. half of me hopes i'm drunk when the foreigner calls and half of me really really hopes i'm not)

(tomorrow is work)

(nisha comes on tuesday night! let the good times roll! little miss n, you make me exclamation point!)

(someone suggest my next cd purchase)

(over and out)