2002-10-03 & 11:41 a.m. : now that i've turned

i woke up this morning feeling so much better than when i went to sleep.

and i walked through the not-really-mist-but-not-really-rain and felt my awesome curly hair turn into an afro-esque halo of further awesomeosity.

and i laughed at the meeting, and supposedly there is a big meeting tomorrow night that will involve "alcohol" and "socializing" and stuff.

thank god, because i am kind of tired of sitting at home alone with no one to go out with.

and then, i came back to my cube and there was a message from the mailroom that i had a package waiting for me.

and man, i didn't have just a package waiting for me, i had a huge print from my brother waiting for me!

all matted and stuff!

holy crap!

in usual circumstances, i would be way bummed about having to carry a huge box from my car to my apt, because it's awkward and so forth

but this is ok

and then i called my brother and got to talk to him for a little bit

which i really needed to do

(apparently he was at drunk casey's all night last night)

and he's gonna call me tonight.

so, with any luck, today will be better than last night.

and, hot exec looks REALLY FUCKING HOT today, so that helps.

god my hair rocks today.

in a really weird way.

"the fairest of the seasons" is just about a perfect song.