2002-04-30 - waking the dead
2002-04-29 - let them cry into their beers
2002-04-29 - $20
2002-04-29 - i am pretty fucking stupid.
2002-04-29 - cool water, a basin, kind strong hands, my feet.
2002-04-28 - kind of blue
2002-04-27 - to have a time.
2002-04-26 - thank you, prince
2002-04-25 - smacksmacksmack
2002-04-25 - quaker.
2002-04-25 - misinformation feeds misinformation and that breeds misinformation
2002-04-24 - remedios the beauty
2002-04-23 - jessica's great dream.
2002-04-23 - creamy.
2002-04-22 - interesting drug
2002-04-22 - where's what?
2002-04-22 - good lookin' out.
2002-04-21 - watch me get down
2002-04-21 - blame it on the sun
2002-04-20 - changed
2002-04-21 - good feeling
2002-04-21 - -
2002-04-19 - she is the stupids
2002-04-19 - everyone, in the whole world.
2002-04-18 - i see myself the real way; what you see, it's a fabrication
2002-04-18 - all the x's have wings
2002-04-18 - i'm small, like a superball--throw me at the wall
2002-04-17 - anything anything anything
2002-04-17 - i have to pee.
2002-04-17 - this is where i kiss up for a good reference
2002-04-16 - turns to stone
2002-04-16 - sick day #4002
2002-04-13 - god's busy hands
2002-04-12 - operation solitaire
2002-04-12 - going away
2002-04-11 - screwing yer courage
2002-04-11 - like a fool
2002-04-11 - i'm a square and that makes you giddy
2002-04-10 - heard like a hand radio, you're an empire
2002-04-10 - eh
2002-04-09 - for panties
2002-04-09 - i fell asleep
2002-04-08 - a lot of lists?
2002-04-08 - i had to pee
2002-04-08 - joan jett, she roolz
2002-04-07 - birthday
2002-04-05 - free stuff and free cake
2002-04-05 - it's the day before my birthday
2002-04-04 - today, i am thinking vietnamese. and i have questions.
2002-04-03 - sucks.
2002-04-03 - i am not one of the best diarists in diaryland.
2002-04-03 - muslin cape
2002-04-02 - sleep now
2002-04-01 - survey me
2002-04-05 - open letter, to someone i have neglected
2002-04-05 - blowin' it out.
