2002-09-07 & 5:42 p.m. : the patient's legs

the more i live alone the more i like being alone.

perhaps it's the promise that everything i do is on my time and at my will. this specifically is clear in terms of things that, historically, i have been remiss about doing when living with other people.

most notably, i have come to really enjoy cleaning my kitchen (read: the nook which contains a sink, fridge and stove/oven. this is no "kitchen" by any stretch of the imagination. it's carpeted, for fucks sake.). i attribute this to two things. one, i am only cleaning up after myself. no nasty glasses with other people's lip marks and slob all over them, no utensils with said slob, no pans with shit burnt to them that i didn't burn there myself. two, i can do this whenever i feel like it. if i don't feel like washing anything until there is nothing to cook in otherwise or there are no more glasses the right size for a coctail, well that's my own damned business.

i did not realize before what pleasure could be had at making sure your stove was gleaming clean, either.

it's a lot of pleasure.

i like not having to talk, or worrying when someone will be home and i will either be in their way or they will be in my way. i like not having to worry about being in the shower when someone else needs it or someone being in the shower when i need it.

i like putting my mail wherever i want and letting it sit there for days, to no one's annoyance.

i like listening to music as loud as i damned well please, even at 3am.

things like this.

i have not hung out with anyone for about two weeks and i like that. apparently, internet interaction (read: "interaction") is just fine with me these days.

perhaps all the talking i do at work is just the right amount these days.

i like reading diaries for hours while downloading albums and replenishing my stolen record collection.

i like having two rooms that are just my own.

well, two rooms plus nook, i guess.

last night i wrote a really long and really drunkenly funny entry, but i lost it because microsoft sucks a huge donkey cock. so, sucks to be you, basically.

i miss the santa anna winds of southern california. and i miss the view of the santa monica mountains from my front lawn. but only the view when the sun's going down.

i miss the dry warmth of los angeles.

i had a huge bag of candles and i unpacked them today, lining them along my window sill, but i realized that i blocked stuart's seat at the window, so i moved them.

he may be a dick who peed, again (!why?!) on the couch, but like, i can't steal the window from him.

for what feels like the last three days all i have done is listen to interpol and desmond dekker.