2003-11-30 & 1:21 p.m. : porches

this morning i am fueled by hatred for banners again, so i know today will be a good, productive day.

i had what was probably the worst pizza in seattle last night. DO NOT EVER ORDER FROM PIZZA RAGAZZI. i don't care if it's 3am and no one else is delivering (my predicament last night). i don't care if your only other option is dominos.

IT'S THAT BAD. flavorless. greasy. 20 min late.

real tomato chunks instead of sundried tomato chunks, like the menu said.


i have to eat it, though, because i bought it, so later i guess i'll just dress it up with veggie pepperoni and parmesan cheese and hope for the best.

in other news, i will be moving to oakland a month sooner than planned, so radical and sad dogs.

i will miss this place like crazy, but i will love being home.

in oakland, there's decent 24 hr pizza. and you can order online. YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE TO TALK TO A PERSON UNTIL THEY GET TO YOUR DOOR.

and i bet even then you could just smile and nod.

this makes oakland way superior to seattle pizza-wise.

but ultimately, zachary's pizza makes it superior in all ways.


i have to get ready for work. and i can't stop listening to this thing, which i made for the lovely neekee.

have a nice sunday.

peace out!