2001-07-04 & 7:41 p.m. : happy 4th of july part 2

nisha and i drove down the 1 to santa cruz, and we had many exciting adventures.

but something about today makes me want to keep it to myself, so i am not going to detail it here.


i did buy three postcards on the adventure and will send one each (with personalized message)to the first three people who can email me the answer to this question:

you are presented with a pile of socks, 12 black and 12 white. what is the minimum number of times you would need to pull a single sock from the pile so that you were would guaranteed that you had a matching pair?

i will post the answer a month from today if no one bothers to answer, or if no one answers correctly.

i hope you all had a safe and fun 4th of july.

foreigners, i hope you all had a safe and fun wednesday.

more later.
