2001-06-27 & 7:26 a.m. : fade out

"you think you drive me crazy"

drive an hour to work, work for eight hours straight through with maybe a 15 minute break (because i am just that hardcore), then drive to BART, pick up my brother and his friends, drive an hour to mountain view, wait for will call window to fork over tickets, run up a monstrous hill to try and muscle my way to the front of the lawn and then pray that each band goes on on time? add wind and rain? SIGN ME UP!

all i have to say is thom and co. had better play "you and whose army", "idioteque", "lucky", "street spirit" and "blow out".

ok, maybe the last is a longshot, but i think i am probably in good stead for the rest.

keep your fingers crossed for me that i will not die tonight, ok?

and best friend, if you do not have the above songs find them and listen to them for me tonight.

i love you and will talk to you later.

ps--i am going to be alone here all weekend. what the hell am i going to do?