2002-02-13 & 11:27 a.m. : sailor

i literally spent the last 45 secs talking myself down from slamming my head against the top of my desk.

i cleared away space, neatly folding my scarf, setting it calmly on top of my cd wallet, putting papers into file folders and shutting them away in cabinets, running my hand over the cool white synthetic material that makes up the desktop of my cube. i caressed it gently,

i looked at it with concentration, noticing the pen marks, and where i had gotten glue stick while sealing up envelopes, determined not to lick the ready-adhesive.

i gripped the edge of the desk tightly and then had a discussion with myself that went, roughly, like this:

"me: i could just slam my head right into the desk, you know.

also me: that's definitely a truism.

m: i should probably take my glasses off before i do it, though. it's one thing to get a knot on the noggin, it's quite another to get shattered glass in your eye. i don't want to end up like reuven in the chosen. plus, i have shitty vision benefits. i don't want to have to buy a new pair of glasses out of pocket.

am: not to mention how to explain the blood and swelling and WhatNot.

m: yeah.

am: you might get to go home early, though

m: that's true.

am: so yeah, are we go or what?

m: i don't think so, maybe later. i'm feeling eem right now, i don't think i should be making big decisions under the influence of the eem.

am: alright, well let me know. i mean, i'll know. one thing though: why do i want to do this?

m: ...huh? what? oh, um, i can't remember now, i'm thinking about the chosen.

am: yeah, i should look into buying that.

m: i'm gonna check imdb.com and WhatNot.

am: aight, PEACE OUT!"

that's all i really have to say about that.

Which David Lynch character are you most like?