2002-07-01 & 11:50 p.m. : let's take a vote: all those who think i should get rid of my diary say "aye".

dear fruitwater,

you've addicted me.



in other news, dood. i filled out the application for the job that i am tentatively being offered and will drop it off tomorrow.

two weeks! stupid!

i saw little mister stinky box and he's so sweet. poor lil guy is alone in the house until thursday because g-ma is a woman on the go and when i say go i mean travel-rama.

poor lil lonely guy. i told him today, though, that i think we are going to get a place soon, and i'm totally sure that he understood. except, he's a cat and they don't understand english. i often doubt that most other "english speaking" humans understand english, so i am not about to make the trans-species leap to believe that he does. and it freaks me out when people think that they can.

this is me denying the fact that i am a cat person, and will not end up like the cat lady on the simpsons. i will not.

i will not.

in still other news, i am slowly getting my stuff together. and by slowly, i mean the pace is glacial. but that's ok. i can snap things together when i need to.

in still other other news, the people who bag groceries at the super-t are the biggest idiots on earth. did my carton of lemonade really require its own bag? did you really need to put the fresh peaches, the REALLY EXPENSIVE fresh peaches, in the same bag as the canned peaches and pears? you do realize that my REALLY EXPENSIVE fresh peaches are now all bruised due to your complete incompetency in your job.

there's little that's worse than bruised peaches, people.

unless you're talking rotten mangoes, because seriously? that makes me cry.