2002-04-16 & 6:27 a.m. : sick day #4002

my body is unwell, so i am taking medicine.

but the medicine that i am taking to fix things is making me feel really sick.

oh life, you're so funny.

upside: went home at half day yesterday, called in sick again today.

downside: i feel like ass.

listening to: pablo casals play bach cello suites and godspeed you black emperor. god bless you, sweet winamp.

eating: fucking nothing, do you want me to vom again??

sleeping in: my painting pants and my sweet new hoodie. tight and very good at keeping in the goodies. yow.

giving: my two weeks on friday. very sweet and rad and also, wicked awesome.

clutching: my stomach, bleh. my head, owie.

making: stupid lists. if were you, i would stop reading me forever, just to show me the what's what.