2002-05-29 & 2:52 p.m. : snowball in hell

so, the interview at the placement place went ok, i guess, but it only really went well if i get a job i like out of it, if you're picking up what i am putting down.

i got all kinds of invitations regarding chicago, oh my. i was just thinking of driving up alone tomorrow or friday, walking around, looking at junk, being around people in a real city again, maybe get a sandwich and going home. my brother is pushing for a visit to the museum (THE museum i guess means ANY museum), but i am not sure about it. i would like to, and i would not like to. i am pretty sure he would yell at me if i didn't, though.

maybe i'll go on monday, instead.

MAYBE i'll see how much it is to rent a room and go on friday and stay til sunday.

freedom when you are alone feels good, but it would be so much more fun with a pal.

it was good to get out of the house today, even if it was only for an hour. it is so gross and humid outside, but it is thunderstorming too, and that's so nice.

i drove to the post office and the rain fell in big fat drops, so much that i couldn't really see anything even with the wipers full-on-go.

still, my hair looks and smells and feels fabulous, and i am clean. that is a big improvement from yesterday.

i must remember: do not spend all day in bed, it will make me cranky and sad.

also, happy birthday ivo.